Welcome to the course website for
Puente at El Camino College
If anything on the site is confusing, don't hesitate to contact me at EBrenes@elcamino.edu or come see me in my office, Humanities 321P.
Don't forget to sign up for our remind updates by texting @Puente32 to 81010
& Here's our special playlist. Check it out!!
Puente 32 Spotify Playlist
& Here's our special playlist. Check it out!!
Puente 32 Spotify Playlist
The tabs above should help direct you to whatever information you need, whether it be a link to our BLOG readings or even campus resources and policies. In the future, when you come to this page, you may see postings about your upcoming assignments or announcements concerning either our campus or our course; therefore, it may be beneficial to *follow* the blog directly using the tool on the right hand side of this page.
I'm really looking forward to our semester together!